Sunday, March 08, 2009

White Stilton

It looks like a cheesecake but it is not. It is a piece of English white Stilton cheese dotted with cranberries. I love it. It is creamy but at the same time it crumbles easily, the taste is mild and cranberries are slightly sweet. And on a piece of your favourite cracker it becomes a true English delicacy.

45 crackers, 5x5 cm
1 dl kamut flour
3 tbsp buckwheat flour
1 tbsp olive oil
pinch of salt
4 tbsp of water

fresh or dried oregano, thyme, rosemary...

2 tsp poppy seeds (or sesame, caraway, fennel, coriander seeds...)

Preheat oven to 200 C. Mix the flours with salt, add oil and water (herbs if using) and kneed until you have smooth dough. Roll into a square 35x35 cm. Cut into smaller squares, 5x5 cm, brush lightly with water, sprinkle the seeds, transfer the crackers on a baking sheet and bake until golden, about 10 minutes.

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